As a traveling teacher of spirituality, I seek to be aware of God’s presence and to help others find that awareness. Yet, the Lord surprises me often with how He shows Himself. Soft bags and trolleys For years, I’ve been using a soft, un-wheeled carry-on with a separate trolley. My computer (and sila) laptop can fit inside. The system gives me tremendous flexibility with how to carry stuff and meeting airline regulations for space...
My unpublished essays
The main road This morning, again, I decided to take my exercise and meditation walk early, in the cold and fog, rather than waiting for the mid-day sun. It’s not a special holy day, and the mixture of an ordinary day with the cold means the parikrama marg, the road that goes around Govardhana Hill, was mostly empty. Of course, at any time of day or night, on any day of the year, there are always at least some pilgrims circumnavigating...
Wild Animals in Africa What’s the use of coming to Africa if one doesn’t go see animals in the wild? Thinking like that, we arranged with locals to have my teenaged granddaughter and I visit a wild animal reserve. Altogether four women and three girls (aged 7, 12, and 14) set off on our journey of over an hour with some homemade sandwiches, uniced cupcakes, and juice. I chanted softly on my beads, “Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna,...
The happiness of bhakti is very hard to understand. Generally in the world we take “happiness” as being satisfaction for our body, mind, or both: pleasure of the senses, pleasing thoughts, pleasing emotions, pleasing relationships. Those who are intelligent enough to understand that we are different from body and mind seek a very different kind of happiness: liberation. In the happiness of liberation, peace and freedom are key....
Download this essay as a doc file by clicking this button: Download The Organizational Form of ISKCON to Support the Mission by Urmila devi dasi “It is not from any deliberate opposition to the ordained clergy that these observations are made. The original purpose of the established churches of the world may not be always objectionable. But no stable religious arrangement for instructing the masses has yet been successful. The supreme Lord...
Download this article as an rtf file: Download Download this article as a pdf file: View PDF Download a visual representation of the conceptual framework for this article: View PDF by Urmila devi dasi, spring 2005 Introduction We were taught to be independent thinkers—think outside of the box. We would analyze other philosophy and our own philosophy critically, not just doing this because it’s what my mommy did but because it’s the truth and it...